Medieval 2 total war denmark
Medieval 2 total war denmark

medieval 2 total war denmark

Once you form the Union of Kalmar, your banner will change and you will get access to 3 Norwegian units available in castles: Svenner, Sami Axemen and Gotland Footmen (a Swordsmith Guilde must be present in the castle). After controlling these cities, you will receive the mission to kill the Norwegian king in either field battle/siege. In order to form the Kalmar Union, you have to control as Denmark the cities of Goteborg, Abo, Kalmar, Uppsala and Visby. The other, more common possibility for expansion is to hold in the south, and attack the rebel settlements in Sweden, working on unlocking the Kalmar Union The Baltic lies at their feet, and they can freely expand to take Gotland and Finland, and become a power in the east, attacking Novgorod.

medieval 2 total war denmark

Their starting position makes them very suited for dominating the sea, in the typical viking way. Reval Narva in the east is a great base of operations, granting the Danish the opportunity to expand where they so wish.

medieval 2 total war denmark

While the Teutonic order starts split in two by Lithuania, Denmark starts on both ends of the map. The Danes start in the most unique position of the campaign. They are in a position to have a strong navy and plenty of profitable naval trade. The Danish army consists of Heavy infantry that wield powerful swords and axes, such as Huscarls and Scandinavian Axemen. A certain bug however may prevent you from gaining these new units, as it has happened. The army of Denmark is identical to in Medieval Total War II unless they become the union of Kalmar, in which case they gain the new Norwegian units. If they can take control of Scandinavia and defeat the Norwegians, they become a faction known as 'The Union of Kalmar', which is a union of Denmark and Norway, giving them access to new units. They must also watch for the Teutonic order, who they border in the Baltic sea. While beginning the campaign neutral to all other factions, it would be wise for them to begin by asserting their control of Scandinavia before the Norwegians and peel back the forces of the Holy Roman Empire to the south. Denmark begins the Teutonic campaign with control of the Jutland Peninsula, a piece of Scandinavia, and a small piece of land in the Baltic states area.

Medieval 2 total war denmark