Shoot your guns too much, and each kill could prove very expensive in more ways than one! It causes more damage, but it’s also the only commodity available for buying better weapons. What is considered money, you ask? Bullets! While local resistance can manufacture their own armaments, the best stuff is the pre-apocalypse military grade ammunition. First, to get better weapons, you need money. The game play rules are a bit different with Metro 2033 compared to other titles. I know post-apocalyptic Moscow isn’t exactly a vacation spot of choice, but I would have liked to see something more visually interesting. The artistic quality is excellent, but Moscow literally sits in its own rust making the environments less appealing than they could be. One station is soviet, another is re-born Nazi, others have no theme and are just pitted with monsters and bad guys. The individual metro stations are like little towns along the way, and they each have their own theme.

Unfortunately, there are several hostile metro stations along the way, and the surface is uninhabitable. You are a newbie soldier named Artyom, and have been sent to Polis Station to find fellow rangers to help fight off the “Dark Ones” or mutated creatures.

As is the case with all nuclear accidents, animals have mutated into evolved monsters, and human kind is at serious risk of becoming extinct. Metro 2033 is a first person shooter that takes place in post-apocalyptic Moscow (my bad), and their subway is the backdrop for this urban tale. Metro-2 was (supposedly) secretly built by Stalin and the KGB, and there are no official confirmations of its existence. Moscow is famous for their underground subway system (AKA Metro), and is infamous for their purported secret track called Metro-2. The thing video games have going for them is they give you the opportunity to explore new territories or places you would never think of going. So let’s get on with it, shall we? My Vadka is getting warm! Yes, I know this game is getting on in age, but it’s a great test for DirectX 11 capability and 3D visual flexibility on all three stereoscopic 3D driver solutions. In the continued spirit of comrade conundrums, allow me to introduce you to Metro 2033. I’m three quarters Russian, so I think I can get away with asking this question: why are my Russian brethren always the ones responsible for some nasty nuclear disaster or some whacky environmental mistake? Sure, we’ve had the occasional Chernobyl and K-19, but who hasn’t?!?